Blackburn Challenges Big Tech CEOs to Provide Transparency in Content Moderation


U.S. Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) pushed Big Tech outlets on Wednesday to to provide more transparency to their content moderation practices.

Her remarks at the Senate Commerce Committee hearing were aimed at CEOs Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, Jack Dorsey of Twitter and Sundar Pichai of Google, according to a press release.

Video of her remarks is available here. 

“There is a pattern of subjective manipulation of the information that is available to people from your platforms,” Blackburn said. “What has driven additional attention to this is the fact that more of a family’s functional life is now being conducted online. Because of this, more people are realizing that you are picking winners and losers. Mr. Zuckerberg, years ago you said Facebook functioned more like a government than a company. You’re beginning to insert yourself into these issues of free speech.” 

Blackburn also spoke with Sohrab Ahmari of the New York Post and Sean Davis of The Federalist on an episode of Unmuted with Marsha.

Video is available here.

Both outlets have experienced censorship at the hands of Big Tech in recent weeks.

Blackburn tweeted, “I sat down with @SohrabAhmari of @nypost to get the full story of how @Twitter @jack censored the New York Post for reporting stories not approved by the DNC and mainstream media. @seanmdav @FDRLST”.

On October 14, the New York Post’s Twitter account was locked to limit the sharing of its story on Hunter Biden’s sketchy foreign business dealings. It remains locked today, and Twitter refuses to unlock it unless the Post deletes the story. 

As Ahmari said, “It’s now been nearly two weeks: Has the “fact-checking” process been completed? Have our stories been allowed to recirculate? Because in the interval, neither Joe nor Hunter Biden has disputed the authenticity of the e-mails or the ownership of the hard drive. In the interval, the director of national intelligence has ruled out that this story was Russian disinformation. In the interval, the FBI and Justice Department have also ruled out Russian disinformation. In the interval, a former business partner of Hunter and Jim Biden’s (a Democratic-donating naval officer) has come forward, on the record, to confirm the authenticity of another key e-mail thread we exposed.”

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Jason M. Reynolds has more than 20 years’ experience as a journalist at outlets of all sizes.







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One Thought to “Blackburn Challenges Big Tech CEOs to Provide Transparency in Content Moderation”

  1. John

    Empty Suit Blackburn is soaking up the limelight since moving from the House to the Senate. She’s blowing smoke about something she knows will never come to fruition. Yes Marsha, we are well aware of the two-tiered justice system in this country. Just like your super special healthcare plan for Congressmen only, we know you swamp dwellers have special perks when it comes to justice…or lack there of….

    Enjoy it while it lasts, Marsha. Continue making empty statements and voting on meaningless legislation and your first term in the Senate will be your last.
